Thursday 25 September 2014


If my pictures are in the wrong order, I can't help it. The internet here is powered by a small donkey working a giant wooden hamster wheel. In wellies. Backwards.

Since the last update, we stayed in a cave type building thing in Tiznit. The campsite man who I shall refer to as Biffa, seeing as he smelt like a bin – actually, that’s unfair to a bin. A bin that’s purpose was to relieve the homeless of B.O. stained clothes, fungus ridden socks that had been shat in by pigs and the internal rotting organs of the geriatric population of the Isle of Wight – informed us that it had only rained twice in two years there. Well, it rained all day there for us…!

Still, we slept on the floor and were dry, so that’s good. I had dry pants, I was happy.

From there we went to Tan Tan. The visibility wasn’t great.

It is however an ideal environment for disposing of dead bodies! If I was a serial killer this is definitely where I’d take them. Either that or I’d do what Dexter did and throw them in the sea. Except I don’t have a boat and I’m pretty sure Mr Red Funnel ticket man would get suspicious if you kept on bringing on rolls of carpet. Or corpses. So definitely the desert is better for hiding people you’ve killed with your mums breadknife if you lack a boat.

We stayed next to the beach. Still haven’t got a bucket and spade. It smelt of fish, like most of Morocco.

THEN! DUN DUN DUUUUNNN! We rode through more desert and got to 35km away from Laayoune. There were camels. We saw a sign for them, we saw actual camels, then we ate one in a tagine. I wonder if it was responsibly sourced, or they just went and rammed it with a jeep? It was pretty tender so maybe they rammed it a few times. Perhaps they have a special vehicle for it, with little tenderising hammers all over it. If not I could invent one, I’d call it the Camel-Twatter.

Now we are in Boujdor. There are lots and lots of checkpoints here. Lots of police with guns. We also saw two dogs shagging on the top of a rooftop. Tomorrow we will head towards Dakhla.

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