Saturday 20 September 2014


As I type this from Agadir, we are making decent enough progress towards the Western Sahara. We have travelled from Rabat, which was a hole, via Temara where we got passport photos done, by the photographer equivalent of Josef Fritzl, who took us into his basement, electronically ‘enhanced’ them so we look like brother and sister from the Hitler youth then sent us on our way. Then we went to El Jadida, which was a hole, then to Safi, which was a hole, to where we are now. Which isn’t actually that bad. The campsite in El Jadida even had a shower!


Internet is seemingly sparse, though that’s probably not high on the locals priority list. I’ve compiled a priority list as it happens, it looks like this.

  1. Throwing rubbish in the street.
  2. Pissing in the street.
  3. Staring at you.
  4. Staring at you whilst pissing or throwing rubbish in the street.
  5. Not filling in potholes.

Since my last update I’ve managed to lose the front half of my mudguard on a pothole that was large enough to raise a small family of otters in, smashed my mirror with my knee, drank some dodgy water and then expelled it through my anus and figured out I’ve actually gone away with Dr Do Little. Whenever we camp anywhere there are cats, dogs, peacocks, toads, chickens, goats….

Dr DeeLittle.

Now the plan, for those of you that haven’t died of boredom or started looking at pictures of naked ladies on the internet (I dare you to look at pictures of what happens to women’s genitalia when they take steroids if you haven’t already) is to go to Tiznit, Tan Tan, then down to the Mauritanian border at the end of the Western Sahara. There’s sand in there, I wish someone had told me. Didn’t bring my bloody bucket and spade. 

Turns out I'm not the best at using a camera backwards

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